21 June
Tuesday 21-06-2022
time 18:15
Teatro Sperimentale - Sala Grande

pff2021 art marona

Érik Bullot

Language of birds (Langue des oiseaux)

Francia 2022 , 54'15”

with the presence of the director

Language of birds, and not birdsong: not only does "language" refer to an esoteric vocabulary, but it assumes a codified set of rules until it reaches an artistic quality. The film too, in which a narrator reconstructs life before the "sixth extinction" from the future, is structured in chapters, with musical scenes, serious or funny, and a discussion of the virtues of translation and the desire for communication between humans and birds. “The film itself is like a jigsaw puzzle and relies on mise-en-abyme, re-filming, projection, shifts from one screen to another, as if it were forever adjusted in order to allow us to finally touch or reach the bird. The principle of transparency and superimposition is possibly linked to the role of documents. The bird has become an archive.” (Érik Bullot)

Filmmaker Portrait Bram Ruiter

Érik Bullot is a filmmaker and theoretician. The author of numerous films midway between documentary and experimental cinema, he recently published Cinéma Roussel (2021) and L’Attrait des ventriloques (2022). His work has been presented in several festivals and museums. He teaches film at the École national supérieure d’art in Bourges.

Narratrice : Florence Delay
Conseiller artistique : Arnaud Deshayes
Assistant à la réalisation : Dorian Degoutte
Image : Eva Sehet
Suono : Térence meunierMontage : Agnès Bruckert
Montage son et mixage : Mikaël Barre
Étalonnage : Julia Mingo
Production: BALDANDERS FILMS Elsa Minisini, Elisabeth Pawlowski, Mathias Bourrissoux