
20 June
Thursday 20-06-2024
time 15:30
Cinema Astra

Il mio film

Ena Sendijarević


Olanda 2023 , 98'


#1 Novi Bioskop Sarajevo

The Fondazione Pesaro Nuovo Cinema has taken an active part in the nomination procedure for Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024 with the project “Novi Bioskop: sguardi oltre l’Adriatico,” which is rooted in the historical institutional relationship between Pesaro and the Sarajevo neighbourhood Novi.

Therefore, the Pesaro Film Festival has invited a group of young filmmakers selected by the Sarajevo Film Festival to make a short film that depicts our town on the year in which it is Italian Capital of Culture.
Besides the workshop, what follows is the programme of screenings agreed with the Sarajevo Film Festival along with the Adriatic region festivals network:

Sabato 15 giugno, Palazzo Gradari, ore 23:00

Concerto con band Zambramora

Giovedì 20 giugno, Cinema Astra, ore 15:30

DEAD KNOT (Bosnia-Erzegovina, 2023, 18’) di Ismira Mašić
WHERE DO LOST CATS GO? (Bosnia-Erzegovina, 2023, 22’) di Ena Sendijarević
TREND (Bosnia-Erzegovina, 2023, 17’) di Emina Zubčević
With the presence of Bojana Vidosavljević, a Sara- jevo Film Festival programmer.

Venerdì 21 giugno, Cinema Astra, ore 15:30

SWEET DREAMS (Olanda, 2023, 98’) di Ena Sendi- jarević (Adriatic Audience Film Award)

Sabato 22 giugno, Cinema Astra, ore 15.30

Screening of the short filmed by the young SaraJevo filmmakers during their residency in Pesaro.

SFF Logo page 0001

Network of Festivals Logo page 0001